Antiretroviral therapy (ARV) is one of the most effective methods of treating and suppressing the human immunodeficiency virus HIV/AIDS a virus that attacks and weakens the human immune system. It is known worldwide for saving lives, preventing HIV/AIDS related illness and new HIV AIDS infections, thus keeping the people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) healthy as long as they have adequate and constant supply of ARVs. Therefore the research will analyse the health inequalities faced by the Fish folk community (FFC) of Kalangala district created as a result of unequal access to ARVs within the public hospitals. This paper will examines the concept of global health justice and Article 12 of ICESCR to establish the violation of the right to Equal access to medicine as an integral right to the right to health by looking at the structural setting of the people living in Kalangala fishing communities and the government response to this population in regard to HIV/AIDS treatment.

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Handmaker, Jeff
Social Justice Perspectives (SJP)
International Institute of Social Studies

Bwette, Diana. (2014, December 12). The Islands of Kalangala District and Access to Antiretroviral Treatment: A Question of Human Rights and Global Health Justice. Social Justice Perspectives (SJP). Retrieved from