Street children are one of the most marginalized groups in Ethiopia. Sexual abuse prevents street children‟s enjoyment of their fundamental human rights. This research examines the street children‟s experiences of sexual abuse from a rights-based approach perspective. It also scrutinizes how a rights-based approach can play an important role in addressing sexual abuse of street children. In examining these points a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methodology were employed. Female and male street children in Kirkos are subject to multiple marginalizations. Different interrelated and complex problem contributed to the process of becoming street children. Street children are victims of various forms of sexual abuse. Because of sexual abuse, street children in Kirkos encountered various health and psycho-social related problems. A rights-based approach to sexual abuse recognizes street children as a right holder. In the case of Kirkos the State fails to enforce the international human rights instruments which are granted to the street children. The experience of street children confirms that a rights-based approach is still far from being realized in the case of Kirkos. This study has demonstrated that a rights-based approach to sexual abuse entails addressing the fundamental challenges encountered by the street children and by efforts to protect street children from sexual abuse.

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Arts, Karin
Social Justice Perspectives (SJP)
International Institute of Social Studies

Gebreiyosus, Yonas. (2014, December 12). A Rights-Based Approach to Sexual Abuse: Exploring Street Children’s Experiences of Sexual Abuse in Kirkos, Addis Ababa. Social Justice Perspectives (SJP). Retrieved from