This paper explores the governance architecture of the modified seeds market in Colombia, and how the different actors have interacted to establish and de-velop this market in the country. In order to understand how the use of modi-fied seeds have been imposed in the agricultural sector this research utilize the French Regulation School and mainly its concept of Mode of Regulation to go beyond reductionist explanations and to acknowledge all the actors and institu-tions involved, its relationships and position they in certain time and places taking into account the history and the social, political, cultural and economic forces that have shaped this market. Through this analysis the paper argues that the insertion of Colombia into the international regime, characterized by different modes of production, has changed the forms of the Colombian State where the seeds Transnational Companies, the U.S. government and the Inter-national Institution have played an active role in the establishment of the mar-ket, and where lately the Colombian society has manifested against the legisla-tion enacted by the government about the mandatory use of certified seeds.

, , , , , , , , ,
Knorringa, Peter
Governance, Policy and Political Economy (GPPE)
International Institute of Social Studies

Arciniegas Muñoz, Juan Carlos. (2014, December 12). Modified Seeds Market in Colombia Governance Process in the Use of Modified Seeds in Colombia. Governance, Policy and Political Economy (GPPE). Retrieved from