Enhancing small holder farmer participation in policy development is critical in tackling their real issues. But this is to be seen difficult because of their less capacity to negotiate among other challenges. This paper argues that successful participatory processes in policy development should be mindful of existing farmers’ differences that are seen to shape limitations and thereby blocking participation to occur. The study attempted to position participation as a broader theory and illustrated capacity and empowerment as key elements to enhance participation of small holder farmers. Participation in this case was seen to be biased to the large holder farmers already empowered and with capacity to engage in negotiations thus this put the small holders farmers to a disadvantage to push for their issues inclusion. To enhance smallholder farmers’ participation, it should be based on their social, cultural, economic and political wellbeing. Strategies should strengthen individual farmers’ capacities and empower them using the existing knowledge to address their problems.

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Gomez, G.M.
Governance, Policy and Political Economy (GPPE)
International Institute of Social Studies

Nakabuga, Rashida. (2014, December 12). Participation or Capture? The Paradox of Small Holder Farmer Participation in the Development of the National Coffee Policy in Uganda. Governance, Policy and Political Economy (GPPE). Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/2105/17445