Participatory evaluation (PE) developed during the 1970 in order to assure more complete outcomes considering program staff and employees. In development cooperation it has been applied lately, but in a rather static way. There are different streams within PE and dimensions that either unite them or make them different form each other. Intersectionality on the other hand is a rather new theory that derived from legal and gender studies. The aim of this paper is it to introduce intersectionality to PE in development cooperation and develop a guideline how intersectional PE could be exercised in an effective way. For this purpose, empirical research on ten PE evaluations from development cooperation interventions was conducted and findings were analyzed facing theoretical requirements and practical considerations. The paper starts with theoretical background on PE and intersectionality and after an operationalization of both concepts. Then the methodology of this exploratory research is explained and the findings and analysis presented. This research paper finishes with recommendations and conclusive remarks in order to make intersectional PE applicable.

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Dijkstra, Dr. A.G. (Geske), Nispen, Dr. F.K.M. van (Frans)
Public Administration
Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Lubjuhn, W.J.M. (Julia). (2013, February 15). The Intersectional Lens on Participatory Evaluation Methodology in Development Cooperation. Public Administration. Retrieved from