is in a new communication landscape, a digital one. Citizens are communicating via online channels. With a connection to the Internet, everybody is able to share, co create, discuss and moderate user-generated content via new, highly interactive platforms with the result of changing relationships. Not only has the relation changed between citizens, the one between consumer and producer did as well. In this new landscape, Dutch cultural organisations are able to communicate with their customers in a different way. In addition, the web 2.0 and its applications enable organisations to market their products in an effective and efficient way. Non-profit organisation in the Dutch cultural sector are seeking for other ways of financing, since the government stopped supporting them, viral marketing can help finding this. At least this is what theories on web 2.0 applications tell us. So, how is it then in the Dutch cultural sector? In this research, a presentation of the use of social media by performing art organisations in Rotterdam is given by carrying out a content analysis of Facebook posts and in-depth interviews with different cultural organisations in Rotterdam.

, , , ,
Vermeylen, F.
Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship , Master Arts, Culture & Society
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Draaijers, Nina. (2014, July 3). Cultural Organisations in Rotterdam Going Viral. Master Arts, Culture & Society. Retrieved from