Many employees have to deal with the deviant behaviour of their colleagues, or behave deviant on the job themselves. In many studies there is no doubt the deviant behaviour of employees can be influenced by their managers. Treviño en Brown even claim there is a way for managers to influence their employees positively by acting like the Ethical Leader. However most of these studies do not submit empirical proof to hold the claims made. This study sheds light on the influence of managers on workplace deviance by empirically testing some of the theories. This study also proofs that the model of the Ethical Leader is incomplete, and adds to the model the influence of “the experienced trust in managers” on workplace deviance by employees. This leads to a new, more complete and empirically tested model: The Ethical Leader Plus.

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Koster, Dr. F. (Ferry), Jetten, Drs. L.F.J. (Bert)
Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Dirks, A.J. (Arjen). (2013, July 31). De Deviante Werknemer Verklaard. Sociology. Retrieved from