Cybersecurity has been put high on the agenda’s of most countries around the world. This research analyzes the determinants of cybersecurity policies of 23 countries partner to the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE). For this end a Country Analysis Model is developed which ranks countries based on three dimensions; legal foundation, agency responsibility, and international cooperation. The countries are analyzed primarily on the data put forward in the National and Cyber Security Strategy documents. Although cybersecurity is a primary concern of the countries the development of their cybersecurity policies differs significantly. The determinants used for the analysis are technological development, internet penetration, and military expenditure. The approach taken by the governments included in the CCDCOE database is highly diverse and is related to the perspective in which cybersecurity is held. The determinants are tested with the use of a linear regression to find which is most significant for the determination of cybersecurity policies.

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Onderco llm, M. (Michael), Homburg, Dr. V.M.F. (Vincent)
Public Administration
Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Berg, D. van den (Dennis). (2014, September 19). Cybersecurity. Public Administration. Retrieved from