The goal of this thesis is to determine the effect the configuration of a growing organization has on its innovation capacity. This was done by means of a case study on Dutch pharmaceutical company Organon, in which Mintzberg’s five organizational configurations were leading. Empirical results show that bureaucratic elements have a negative effect and more organic elements have a positive effect on the innovation capacity. Contrary to the theory of Mintzberg, evidence has been found that elements of a professional bureaucracy do not impede innovation. Moreover, the results stress the importance of adapting the organization’s key elements to the environment when designing or reorganizing the organization, supporting contingency theorists.

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Heilbron, Prof.dr. W.J. (Johan), Pruijt, Dr. H.D. (Hans
Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Mierlo, J. van (Jorrit). (2014, March 31). Groei en innovatie bij Organon. Sociology. Retrieved from