City branding which aims to respond to the demands of competition and attract desired target groups has been characterized as governance processes. It is carried out with the involvement of several stakeholders who often have their own understanding towards city brand. It can be said that success of city branding mostly dependent on the understandings of relevant stakeholders involved in city branding. Many literatures also suggest that stakeholders involvement is really important to give positive effects in city branding practice. Solo, is one of many cities in Indonesia which already tried hard to implement city branding practice, which was adopted from regional branding, as an important tool of city marketing strategies in order to compete with other cities and attract desired target groups. Although the branding practice in Solo City has been running for about seven years, but an understanding of the relevant stakeholders about city branding and their involvement in city branding process is still questionable. Whether the common understanding (consensus) or differences in both city administrators and business communities has some effects toward branding practice also become a driving factor of this research. Eventually, this research is expected to give important input to the government as a form of evaluation for the future implementation of city branding in Solo City.

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Braun, Dr. E. (Erik), Setiawan, B.
Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies

Mandarika, A.Y. (2013, September). City branding: Towards the understanding of different stakeholders. Retrieved from