For most cities it is a contemporary challenge how to deal with the increasing urbanization and as a result the pressure on accessibility. Working towards sustainable mobility and enabling economic development makes demands on how this accessibility is shaped, and needs to be addressed urgently. One possible response is the combined use of the bicycle and train. This hybrid bicycle-train system (HBT) is sustainable, and combines speed and longer reach with door to door accessibility. Now some questions arise how this ‘new’ hybrid modality is affected by planning. The reciprocal relationship between the HBT system and integrated planning, which consists of infrastructure and spatial planning systems, was explored in this thesis. The main question posed is: To what extent can the use of a hybrid bicycle train (HBT) system in a Dutch metropolitan region be stimulated through integrated planning? The answer to the main question will be informed by an exploration of eight subquestions. The case of the Metropolitan Region Rotterdam The Hague (MRDH) was studied, with a focus on some typical station areas and commuter trips.

Daamen, T. (Tom)
Master City Developer
Erasmus School of Economics

Tetteroo, E. (Erik). (2015, June). Urban Cycling = HOD. Master City Developer. Retrieved from