The advent of the web 2.0 has offered brands new opportunities to strategize the enhancement of the brand reputation. In recent years, brands have started to engage users through online platforms and invite them to create content for reputational benefits. The interest in user-­‐generated content for reputational benefits has both in society and academic realm increased and as many aspects about these user practices are still unknown, this research was interested in the process of creation and its implications. By conducting 11 semi structured in-­‐depth interviews, this study has taken a user perspective and brings to light the factors that influence the creation of brand related user-­‐generated content. Moreover, it illuminates the challenges and frictions users come across in the process of of creating content in relation to brands. With this information this study advises brands on what best practices to incorporate in the communication strategy. The research shows that factors influencing participation are mostly related to practices of identity construction such as affiliation with the lifestyle the brand stands for, or taking an influencer role in respect to brands. The challenges have to do with a lack of freedom in creation, a lack of perceived exclusivity in collaborations and a lack of identification with brands. Several paradoxes were found as users want to use brands for their online identity construction, but at the same time do not want to be constrained by rules the brand set for them. Moreover, very explicit attempts to invite for content creation and interaction are treated with scepticism, as users find it clear that brands are doing this inviting and interacting for marketing and branding purposes. Consequently this study advocates that brands focus on inducing the perceived sense of exclusivity, honesty, freedom, and creativity to ensure content creation and positive experiences for users to enhance the brand reputation.

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V. Chaudhri, S.F. van der Land
Media & Business
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

F. Boeke. (2015, June 19). Brands & UGC, simple as 1,2,3?. Media & Business. Retrieved from