Knowledge, attitude and behavior can be enriched by playing entertainmentgames. Yet little research was done on this subject. Motivation and enjoyment have positive influences on gaming in general and on learning processes. The exact relationship between the components of motivation (competence, autonomy and relatedness according to the Self Determination Theory) and the three types of learning outcomes is examined in this research for the first time. 75 pairs of questionnaires (namely a pre- and posttest around the game SMS Racing) revealed mainly perceived learning, behavior was also significantly changed by playing the game. Autonomy, relatedness and enjoyment appeared to be significant predictors of most learning outcomes. The strongest predictor was enjoyment – an interesting finding since the role of enjoyment (as predictor versus outcome) is discussed in literature. Woman and respondents with less gaming experience scored higher on some learning outcomes, something that needs more research. Findings in this thesis are relevant to both commercial operators and to parties like governments and educators that want to influence targetgroups by games.

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J. Jansz, S.F. van der Land
Media en Cultuur
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

R.H. van der Meulen. (2015, June 26). Leeropbrengst van entertainmentgames. Media en Cultuur. Retrieved from