Festivalisation is a neologism that describes the proliferation of festivals all around the world. Festivalisation of culture is the specific expression that describes the proliferation of festivals in the cultural sphere, whereby many artforms, from performing arts to visual arts are presented to the public via a festival formula. This research investigates the festivalisation phenomenon from a new point of view. It looks at the way permanent cultural organisations insert themselves in the festival landscape. In particular, it aims at understanding what significance festivals have for permanent music organisations in the city of Rotterdam and Amsterdam. The research consists of two case studies of music halls, one in Rotterdam and one in Amsterdam. From the research it emerges that the permanent music organisations studied organise festivals to fulfil both an artistic vision and an audience development strategy. The choice of staging these types of events is sustained by various other advantages of other organisational commitments. The main disadvantage is financial, inasmuch organising festivals incurs in higher costs than having a normal program. Festivals help permanent organisations to be part of the vibrant city festival landscape.

, , ,
F. Chiaravalloti
Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship , Master Arts, Culture & Society
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

A. Bernard. (2015, July 13). Festival invasion. Master Arts, Culture & Society. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/2105/32693