Consumers purchase a product or service expecting certain benefits from it in order to satisfy a particular need. This research tried to identify these needs by measuring motivation, satisfaction and loyalty among concert attenders. As assumed the results helped in identifying what factors and motives are the main influencers of concert attendance. The analyses resulted in a model consisting of eight different variables which, together, are able to predict concert attendance with an accuracy of 85% (it correctly classifies 85% of concert attenders). The model includes travel time, two motivations (knowledge enrichment and acquiring a new/original experience), four factors contributing to the degree of satisfaction (wardrobe, sound quality, bar service and helpfulness and friendliness of the staff) and one indicator of loyalty (repurchase intention). It can be concluded that for each concert venue it is important to keep track of why people attend concerts at their venue and how they evaluate the overall experience. This will help the venues in improving their marketing strategies and their services in order to increase the attendance rate.

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A. Mignosa, A. Klamer
Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship , Master Arts, Culture & Society
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

M.Y. Schippers. (2015, June 8). Live Music Concert Attendees. Master Arts, Culture & Society. Retrieved from