This thesis is a qualitative research on the discourses about romantic love of young Cypriot women who are either heavy or non heavy viewers of romantic comedies. Cyprus is an interesting place to undertake such a research about romantic love because despite the fact that its culture is being progressively westernised, it still has great links with traditional values including ideas about romantic love. The research question being addressed is how the discourses of heavy and non-heavy viewers of romantic comedies can be distinguished and typified. In order to answer the research question 14 qualitative interviews were conducted with young Cypriot women. Following a cultivation theory approach the participants were separated into 7 heavy viewers and 7 non-heavy viewers of romantic comedies. A main assumption of this thesis was that heavy viewers hold more idealistic views on romantic love than the non-heavy viewers of romantic comedies. The analysis of the transcribed interviews which was conducted to answer the research question followed a discourse analysis approach. Several concepts of romantic love are being discussed including the distinction between the prosaic notion of love and the idealistic notion of love. Romantic ideals that are being depicted in romantic comedies and are found in the discourses of heavy and non-heavy viewers are also been discussed. Romantic comedies in this thesis are valued as a global product and are being discussed in terms of global and American media culture.

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A. Kersten, S.L. Reijnders
Master Arts, Culture & Society
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

A. Dimitriou. (2015, June 8). Happily ever after in Cyprus. Master Arts, Culture & Society. Retrieved from