The research question that was examined through the usage of interviews with artists and gatekeepers form of art world is: What is the relevance of entrepreneurship for the artist and gatekeepers in the art world? And more specifically: What aspects of entrepreneurship for the artist are mentioned by gatekeepers and artists as significant to earn money of one’s art and acquire fame, and to what extent are they seen as significant? The structure of this thesis consists of a theoretic framework, methodology, analysis of the found data, a conclusion and a discussion of the research. The theoretical concepts to the research question are essentially artists, gatekeepers, entrepreneurship for the artist, and art worlds.

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L.E. Braden, CJ.M. van Eijck
Master Arts, Culture & Society
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

S.E.M. Koning. (2015, June 8). What is the relevance of entrepreneurship for the artist and gatekeepers in the art world?. Master Arts, Culture & Society. Retrieved from