In this bachelor thesis research has been conducted on the question whether slow steaming has an effect on delivery reliability in liner shipping. This research consisted of a theoretical part, in which the findings of relevant academic articles are discussed, as well as an empirical part, in which the results from a survey among shippers and forwarders that are active in the port of Rotterdam are presented. In the past there has not been a consensus about the effect of slow steaming on delivery reliability. Although this is contradicted by some theoretical articles, the results from surveys of other researchers as well as from my own survey show that there is no effect of slow steaming on delivery reliability. Because of slow steaming shipping lines have the possibility to speed up in case of delays, but according to the empirical results this option has not lead to an increase of delivery reliability. This would imply that shippers are only experiencing a negative effect from slow steaming, namely the increase in inventory costs, whereas shipping lines are benefiting in multiple ways. However, there are some limitations present regarding the empirical results. Because the theoretical and empirical results contradict each other, it is concluded that there may not be a positive effect of slow steaming on delivery reliability.

Streng, M.
Business Economics
Erasmus School of Economics

Michiels, C. (2016, July 20). The effect of slow steaming on delivery reliability in liner shipping. Business Economics. Retrieved from