Cultural entrepreneurship has been researched, more specifically the use of this term by the Performing Arts Fund NL (the Fund) and how this term is put into practice by music organizations that have been and are included in the four-year subvention system. The business plan was presented as a measure implemented by the Fund to judge and enforce entrepreneurship. Combining literature study on cultural entrepreneurship and business plans, and semi-structured interviews with general managers, the practice was compared to the theory. The general managers are quite positive about the subsidy process and feel privileged to be included in the four-year cycle. Nonetheless, the statements of the general managers, especially the considerable ambiguity in answers, show that the music organizations are diverse. However, the developments in the cultural sector, and the increased focus on business have created a completely uniform subsidy process, which in turn holds the risk of diminishing the intrinsic motivation and creativity of the music organizations.

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F.J.C. Brouwer, E.M.M.P. Loots
Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship , Master Arts, Culture & Society
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

M.M. Schrijvers. (2016, July 27). Inspirational pressure to do something right. Master Arts, Culture & Society. Retrieved from