This study sought to investigate the motivations of pop, ballet, and opera audiences in Amsterdam. Online reviews were used as data source. By means of a quantitative content analysis the experience attributes that were mentioned were analysed. Extensive descriptive statistics and multiple regressions were executed to reveal relations between the criteria, and other information that could be collected on the review and reviewer. It appeared that the aesthetic aspect is the most important aspect in all online reviews. Moreover artist affiliation is important in the evaluation of opera and pop performances. Group affiliation was an important aspect for all three performing arts genres. Social interaction was most important for pop reviews, indicating how pop concerts are important in signalling social standing. In the final evaluation recreation appeared to be an important influencer, indicating that in the end all audiences just want to have a good old time.

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C.W. Handke, M. Vecco
Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship , Master Arts, Culture & Society
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

E.M. Sterneberg. (2016, June 8). What do performing arts audiences want?. Master Arts, Culture & Society. Retrieved from