This thesis focuses on entrepreneurs operating within the creative industries, also called “creative entrepreneurs”. Creative entrepreneurs are individuals developing their own enterprises, mixing both business and artistic skills. They are employing their creative talents to produce and sell innovative and creative products on various markets. Although creative entrepreneurs would prefer to remain independent, they still rely on different social actors to extend their businesses. In practice, they often co-operate with other individuals from the creative industries such as artists, entrepreneurs or intermediaries. However, the establishment of collaborations is not an easy task. Creative entrepreneurs must therefore cultivate a strong social capital. Increasing or stabilizing their social capital requires to work on their personal network. In other words, it is necessary for them to create meaningful professional connections with different social actors to successfully expand their enterprises. The objective of this research is to shed light on the different ways creative entrepreneurs from Rotterdam mobilize their personal and professional bonds for the prosperous growth of their enterprises. This study therefore identifies the different types of networks adopted by creative entrepreneurs, their structure, and specific roles. Finally, a new network typology will be presented.

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P.P.L. Berkers, C.J.M. van Eijck
Master Arts, Culture & Society
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

A.Y. Lapierre. (2016, June 2). Connecting Creativity. Master Arts, Culture & Society. Retrieved from