This thesis examines generational differences in work values and job satisfaction. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether there are significant differences in work values between four examined generations and if these differences can be assigned to generations or to age. In addition, a second aim of the study is to perform same investigation for job satisfaction, hence, are there significant differences between generations in job satisfaction? If so, are they assigned to generations or to age? For this study we used four waves of European Values Study. The surveys include more than 160 000 observations from 47 countries. I found that significant differences are present in both work values and job satisfaction, yet some work values are most likely driven by age, some by generations and job satisfaction seems to be driven by generations.

Dur, A.J.
Business Economics
Erasmus School of Economics

Palicka, O. (2016, August 15). Generational Differences in Work Values and Job Satisfaction. Business Economics. Retrieved from