In the last decade, digital media platforms have become important communication channels between businesses and consumers. Unstructured data management has become even more imperative of corporate communication these days. A lot of interactive data between consumers and companies are available online. However, they are not fully utilized, especially those unstructured format that is not currently compatible with many analytical tools and platforms. Unstructured digital media data management is one of the most mentioned challenge in digital marketing practices but has rarely been sufficiently launched and also lack of empirical research. The present study aims to identify how big data analytics are conducted and what the strategic framework have been used to launch. A semantic network analysis and thematic analysis study with 15 strategy director of digital marketing in the Netherlands was conducted. To make use of these data, suitable operational environment in the companies is needed and also the strategic framework of big data analytics. This study proposes a new approach to digital data analysis, which enables marketers to retrieve market insights with the aforementioned characteristics of unstructured data across digital media channels. In this new approach the data are analyzed semantically by data presentation tools and further developed following the principles of thematic analysis, after a comprehensive literature review has been conducted to guide the analysis strategy. Evaluation criteria weights are derived on the basis of findings through the literature. The relationships between nodes are identified by statistical semantic network analysis. These relationships are analyzed based on within-case and across-case analysis approaches, node co-occurrence functions. Based on the results, thematic analysis of current practice regarding digital media structured data analytics in the Netherlands is still under developing stage, and semantics of unstructured datasets are hardly being probed. Organizations should be aware of the factors that may affect the results and competence of big data analytics and invest in resources such as knowledge and human. Also, companies should consider to build up guidelines to make this mechanism as valuable as possible for the business. The conceptual framework customer journey is widely used among b2c and media agencies in an attempt to acquire market knowledge. Various tools, resources, and competence in analytics are all in place, whereas real insights are still hard to achieve.

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J.S. Lee, M.N.M. Verboord
Media & Business
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

W. Li. (2016, September 28). Digital Media Data and Market Intelligence Management for International Business. Media & Business. Retrieved from