The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate to what extent sustainable development policy will have an impact on the companies in the port area of Zeeland (Port of Terneuzen and Port of Vlissingen) where the research has taken place. The data for this study is collected with the help of most of the actors involved and some external experts. This has led to an analysis of some documents and eighteen interviews, which are encoded by indicators from the theory about policy, impact and success- or failfactors. The outcome of this thesis is that policy on sustainable development from all different levels, like (inter)national, regional (with an special focus on Ambition 2030), etc. have some kind of impact. The big worldwide companies are further with the implementation of sustainability policy than smaller companies, but there is still a lot of work to do.

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prof.dr. H. Geerlings, mr.dr. J.A. van Ast
Public Administration
Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Mulder, H. (2016, August 31). Op weg naar een duurzaam Havengebied. Public Administration. Retrieved from