ecent debates in the Dutch education sector point towards increased differences in students’ test scores, and parents’ socio-economic backgrounds play a role in a more favorable teachers’ advice. Both factors may lead to a higher inequality of education. Using data from 8th grade students in the Netherlands, this thesis tries to identify the factors contributing to student’s test score, and teachers’ advice. It is found that there is no significant evidence that higher parental education affects their CITO test score and probability of a more favorable teachers’ advice. Moreover, positive assortative mating among parents have indeed occur, and shifted to a higher education level over time. High educated adults marry each other and have outnumbered those with lower education.

Webbink, H.D.
Business Economics
Erasmus School of Economics

Adani, N. (2017, June 30). The Effect of Parental Education on Students’ Educational Outcomes over Time in the Netherlands. Business Economics. Retrieved from