This paper empirically analyses the effect of non-western immigrants on sold house price in municipalities in The Netherlands. This paper finds that if the share of non-western immigrants increases with one percent, the average sold house price decreases with 1,73 percent of a standard deviation. Small significant effects are found for an increase in the share of non-western immigrants of one year and two years. This effect can partly be explained by the negative view many people tend to have towards immigrants. When using a fixed effect model, this paper finds that if the share of non-western immigrants increases with one percent, sold house prices decrease with almost four percent of a standard deviation. This is equal to a decrease of almost 3000 euros. No significant effects are found for increases in the share of non-western immigrants of one year and two years. One potential reason for the insignificance of these variables is the little variation within municipalities itself.

Webbink, H.D.
Business Economics
Erasmus School of Economics

Westende, S.A. van 't. (2017, July 20). The effect of non-western immigrants on sold house prices in municipalities in The Netherlands between 1998 and 2007. Business Economics. Retrieved from