This study finds clear evidence of incomplete dishonesty. People do engage in dishonest behavior but do this only ‘a little bit’. In contrast, this study does not observe a relationship between creativity and dishonesty. Having a higher creativity score does not imply that an individual exhibits more dishonest. Moreover, this study does not observe a reduction in dishonesty through a moral prime. Subject who were confronted with a moral prime did not display more dishonest behavior compared to subjects who were not exposed to a prime. Finally, this study does not observe a difference in response to the prime concerning creative individuals compared to less creative individuals. Dishonest behavior of creative individuals influenced differently than dishonest behavior of less creative individuals.

, , , , ,
P. van Bruggen
Business Economics
Erasmus School of Economics

R.S. van Offeren. (2017, July 20). The Effect of Creativity on Dishonest Behavior and the Way a Moral Prime Affects this Relationship. Business Economics. Retrieved from