The positive relationship between individuals' health and cognitive ability is well documented. However, the reason why this relationship exists remains largely unexplored. This paper uses a survey to collect the data from a Chinese gym to examine the relationship between health-related behaviors and cognitive ability by considering self-control as a mediator. The results show that there is a positive correlation between cognitive ability and health-related behaviors, while self-control does not seem to mediate the relationship. Moreover, the data shows that individuals' cognitive ability, self-control and age are three independent predictors of health-related behaviors. Further research is suggested to look into this link by employing different methodology and subjects and measuring health status at the same time.

, ,
C. Li
Business Economics
Erasmus School of Economics

Y. Huang. (2017, August). Cognitive Ability and Self-Control in Relation to Healthy Habits in Fitness Crowd. Business Economics. Retrieved from