In this study, we set the framework of filming history in Greece and how it can affect tourism, presenting an extensive theoretical framework to support this claim. We base our quantitative analysis with the SPSS software on the statistical data available correlating the dependent variable tourist advent from 2007, the beginning of crisis in Greece, until 2014 with independent variables related to film and the political and social factors. The tourist advent from the USA is examined separately and then compared with the worldwide because we focus on USA film productions and more specifically on the films, Mamma Mia and Before Midnight. These two films were chosen initially based on their film release date, 2007, the crisis outburst, and 2014 respectively which represent periods with a substantial time gap to compare the results. Based on the anecdotal evidence on a local level of the filming regions, the theoretical framework of previous studies and our results, it is concluded that there is ground to attract foreign film productions in Greece and this can have a major positive impact on tourism on a national level.

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A. Mignosa, M. Lavanga
Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship , Master Arts, Culture & Society
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

L.M. Giannouklidi. (2017, September 29). The effect of films on Tourism. Master Arts, Culture & Society. Retrieved from