This study aims to research which factors affect consumers’ choices regarding eco-fashion. In order to research these factors, G-Star’s green fashion marketing campaign Raw for the Ocean was used as a case study. This research took the form of a survey executed among millennials living in the Netherlands from August 2014 until August 2016. The timeframe reflects the period that the campaign was running. The sample was collected by snowball sampling in online spaces and random selection on the streets of Amsterdam. Three models were used to for this study, which are the attitude- behavior model, the eco-fashion involvement model and the campaign involvement model. Furthermore, was studied if the campaign had changed consumer’s attitude and behavior regarding the brand, environmental sustainability and eco-fashion. According to the results affected consumers’ gender, age, fashion attitude/ involvement, environmental attitude/ involvement and ecofashion attitude consumers’ eco-fashion choices. Older consumers within the millennial generation, make more positive choices regarding eco-fashion than younger consumers within generation. Females find eco-fashion more important and are more eco-fashion involved than men. Furthermore, has a high score regarding environmental attitude/ involvement, fashion attitude/involvement and eco-fashion attitude a positive effect on ecofashion choices.

M. Lavanga, P. Bhansing
Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship , Master Arts, Culture & Society
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

J.A.C. Nap. (2017, September 29). Consumers' choices towards Eco-Fashion. Master Arts, Culture & Society. Retrieved from