The Internet is a powerful tool to build marketplaces. The Internet platforms play a role to help buyers and sellers to find each other. One of the Peer-to-Peer web platforms, Etsy, is the largest online marketplace for craft and vintages items. The Etsy platform is a community driven marketplace where all the members of Etsy share a buying, selling and manufacturing. To study the propensity of Etsy members, Etsy Discussion forum was investigated. The aim of this study is to design a combined qualitative and quantitative research method to analyze the web-based contents. Using the combined methods, 200 random samples from Etsy Discussion forum were analyzed under qualitative content analysis and statistical tests. The empirical research part of this study emphasized on qualitative content analysis in order to assume the propensity of users in Etsy Discussion forum. Additionally, using statistical test was to assume the interaction between users. As a result, the combined qualitative and quantitative research method provided diverse opportunities to analyze diverse perspectives.

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C.W. Handke, S. Jacobs
Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship , Master Arts, Culture & Society
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

J. Jeong. (2017, October 2). How qualitative research and quantitative research are jointly designed to analyze the web-based contents. Master Arts, Culture & Society. Retrieved from