Using an online experiment, the aim of this thesis was to investigate attitude change following choices based on decoys, and whether a decoy could improve the compliance rate of the implicit choice paradigm. The decoy is a product placed in the choice set with the purpose of making a target product more desirable and increase the number of times the target is chosen. This is the first study to my knowledge to examine post-choice attitude change in the presence of decoys. The results indicate preference change occurs after making a choice from a choice set with a decoy present under certain conditions. I find no evidence, however, that incorporating a decoy can improve the compliance rate of the implicit choice paradigm.

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G.D. Granic
Business Economics
Erasmus School of Economics

A.D. Haagsma. (2017, August 27). The Consequence of Choice – Asymmetrically Dominated Alternatives in Implicit Choice Tasks. Business Economics. Retrieved from