In the lobby process on REACH, interest groups were trying to influence the policy in their advantage. In case of the REACH policy process, the European institutions and the interests groups were mutual dependent on each other. The Access Theory explains conditions where interest organizations have success in influencing the policy. It is of interest to see whether the Access Theory is sufficient to explain the successes of both Cefic and Greenpeace in the case of the REACH policy process. Therefore this research will answer the following main question: Is the Access Theory sufficient to explain the successes of both Cefic and Greenpeace in influencing REACH and can the Network Theory and the Lobby Theory provide contributions to explain this process of influence? In order to answer this question, this research will focus on two interest organizations that have an opposite view on REACH. These are Cefic and Greenpeace.

Boons, F.A.A., Dijkstra, G.
Public Administration
Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Barendregt, E. (2007, May 3). Infleuncing the EU REACH policy proces, a case study.. Public Administration. Retrieved from