This study assesses potential changing internal factors of the business model of Dutch container trucking companies centered on the area of the port of Rotterdam and is written in cooperation with AZV/TLN. A total of 14 interviews are conducted in order to determine five different trends that are expected to have an impact on the business model of the Dutch container trucking companies by 2021. The Business Model Canvas, together with the five trends, helped to draft a survey that has been spread amongst 236 different companies. The results of the survey are analyzed with help of a strength of consensus analysis in order to quantify the dispersion in opinion amongst different sized Dutch container trucking companies. A selection of the key findings of this study are: (1) horizontal cooperation will become more important, (2) higher educated staff will be required, but at the same time more foreign staff will be employed, (3) the level of automation will increase, especially for medium and large sized companies, (4) the focus on diversification will increase and (5) hardly any changes in market structure will occur, only large sized companies potentially take over small sized companies.

M.R. van der Horst
Business Economics
Erasmus School of Economics

L. van der Vliet. (2017, October 18). The Business Model of Dutch Container Trucking Companies. Business Economics. Retrieved from