This study examined the relationship between neurobehavioral development and medical factors for preschool children diagnosed with trigonocephaly. Data were collected for a total of 20 children, 17 boys and 3 girls, all between the age of 1.5 and 3 years at time of measurement. All of the children had recently received reconstructive surgery for their trigonocephaly. Confirming findings from other studies, the results show an increase for a broad range of neurobehavioral problems in the sample. The various medical factors also showed high values (frontal stenosis) or high prevalence (presence of comorbidity, complications during pregnancy or birth). No unequivocal relationships were found between the presence of behavioral problems and the medical factors.

, , ,
Muris, P.E.H.M.
Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Rooij, T. van. (2007, June 18). Trigonocephaly: neurobehavioral outcomes of medical risk factors.. Psychology. Retrieved from