In this master thesis, the main objective is to find out what are important pull-factors to creative entrepreneurs in the creative business sector in Rotterdam. The result of this thesis can provide useful policy recommendations, since it has become evident that the Rotterdam municipality wants to make Rotterdam appealing in various factors, and especially change the image of the harbour city to one of a creative city. Creativity and the creative class are important factors for a thriving economy. In the Netherlands, entrepreneurs and companies working in the creative industry are divided into three groups: arts, media and publishing and the creative business sector. These creative industries are mostly situated in cities, creative cities. This creative city can be the breeding ground for creativity. However, to become a s uccessful creative city it is necessary to attract the creative class. You can do this with marketing and municipal pull-factors. The existing literature in this field will be used to predict what pull-factors are important for the creative class in Rotterdam. However, it was not feasible to research all Rotterdam creatives, so the sample had to be adjusted. It was chosen to research what people working in the creative business sector, in a company founded between 2000-2015 found most important in Rotterdam. The respondents were gathered from the database of the Chamber of Commerce, selected by SBI number. The survey questions are based on existing theory on pullfactors for creatives. The results of the survey show that there are a lot of entrepreneurs working in the design sector. The most common pull-factors identified by the sample were cultural diversity, authenticity and affordable rents in Rotterdam.

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A. Mignosa, M. Lavanga
Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship , Master Arts, Culture & Society
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

J.R.M. den Outer. (2017, October 27). The Rotterdam Vibe. Master Arts, Culture & Society. Retrieved from