The present study examined the prevalence of psychopathology, like ADHD- and autism-like behaviors in children diagnosed with trigonocephaly. To what extent the possible risk factors of neurobehavioral problems affected the developmental condition of the children with trigonocephaly, was also examined. In total, 47 children, 40 boys and 7 girls, and their parents, took part in this study. At time of research, their age varied from 1 up to 8 years. Contradictory to the findings of other studies, the results in general provide evidence that children with trigonocephaly of the current research sample, obtain developmental scores that do not differ from normative expectations. As far as the various risk factors are concerned, a syndromic form of trigonocephaly and a higher percentage of digital impressions seemed to predict a worse outcome with regard to internalizing and externalizing problems. The current findings however, are limited because of methodological problems and can therefore be questioned. Future research is highly recommended.

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Rijen, S. van, Rikers, R.M.J.P.
Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Kwik, D. (2007, June 21). Psychopathology in children with trigonocephaly?. Psychology. Retrieved from