This study investigated: the possible elevated risks of children with trigonocephaly on cognitive problems compared to children without trigonocephaly, the elevated risks for boys on these problems compared to girls and the predictive value of potential risk factors (brain anomalies, Digital Impressions and Intracranial Pressure, severity of the stenosis, type of trigonocephaly, and Social Economic Status) on the domains of executive functioning. 47 children with trigonocephaly in the ages of 1-8 years were included in this study. Different tests were used to assess cognitive problems: intelligence tests, visual motor tests, language tests, reading tests and executive functioning tests. Children diagnosed with trigonocephaly had only an elevated risk on delays in Motor Coordination skills and language development. Boys had an elevated risk on developing receptive and productive language problems and set shifting problems. Only the potential risk factors type of trigonocephaly could predict problems on working memory, inhibition, emotional control and total executive functioning.

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Rijen, E.H.M. van, Rikers, R.M.J.P.
Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Fokke, M. (2007, June 21). The elevated risk on problems with executive functioning in children diagnosed with trigonocephaly.. Psychology. Retrieved from