This paper will investigate the relationship of travel time between home and the workplace of mostly short-distance commuters on the job satisfaction of these workers. The paper will start with a theoretical approach in which earlier literature will be evaluated to show the scientific and social relevance of the subject, as well as providing context on the variables that are used intensively in the paper. After this theoretical framework, the paper will continue with an empirical approached focus on a sample of Dutch commuters that filled in a questionnaire each month. Multiple aspects of job satisfaction from this questionnaire will be used as data in the empirical research. Ultimately the goal of this paper is to find out whether the commuting time of Dutch employees has a significant effect on their job satisfaction.

Dur, A.J.
Business Economics
Erasmus School of Economics

Janssen, N. (2017, October 30). An empirical study on the relationship between commuting distance and job satisfaction.. Business Economics. Retrieved from