The discussion about forest preservation program such as forest conservation has become the main attention for many countries. However, the implementation of forest conservation program frequently affected the life of the villagers that lived inside and/or around the area of the forest. While the most common forest conservation program only involved the role of government and the local community, this research shows the existence of other actors that also support the government in their implementation of the forest conservation program. Having an awareness that the implementation of the forest conservation program will not able to successfully implemented without considering the local community that dependent to the forest as their source of livelihood, make the role of the social entrepreneur is not only helping the government in the implementation of the forest conservation program, but also supporting the local community to find an alternative source of livelihood. Using the case of Kampong Saronggge in Indonesia, this research explains the role of a social entrepreneur through his social enterprise named Green Radio/Green Initiative Foundation in supporting the local community. This research argues that social entrepreneur could support the local community that was affected by the forest preservation program implemented by the government. Using some concept as the analytical framework, this research explained the process that done by the social entrepreneur in the implementation of every program to support the local community with the alternative source of livelihood. Moreover, this study also finds that the role that could play by the social entrepreneur in the local community that was affected by the forest preservation program is not only about providing them with the alternative source of income, but also increase the capacity, capacity, and quality from the local community itself. Some problems were faced by the social entrepreneur. However, this does not affect the positive results that felt by the local community from the community development program that was implemented by the social entrepreneur through his social enterprise.

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Kurian, R. (Rachel)
Governance and Development Policy (GDP)
International Institute of Social Studies

Dwirezanti, Adina. (2017, December 15). Social entrepreneur and sustainable development: green radio in empowering the local community in Kampong Sarongge, West Java, Indonesia. Governance and Development Policy (GDP). Retrieved from