This research investigates the impact of top down feedback (school principal, school management) and bottom up feedback (assigned mentors, other teachers) on teacher self-efficacy, in the Netherlands. A multiple regression analysis has been executed with data obtained from a study of the OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) 2013. Firstly, the findings show that top down feedback has a positive relationship with teacher self-efficacy. Secondly, there is no significant relationship between bottom up feedback and teacher self-efficacy, unless there is a feeling of collective efficacy in a school. Thirdly, feedback acceptance does not moderate the relationship between internal feedback and teacher self-efficacy. In the qualitative section some interpretations explaining the outcomes are discussed. The results demonstrate the importance of effective feedback of school leadership. Further research is needed to determine the effects of intervision among teachers for developing skills, increase self-efficacy and to improve the feeling of collective efficacy within a school.

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dr. JFA Braster, prof.dr. F Koster
Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Oosthoek, B. (2017, June 18). De invloed van interne feedback op de mate van self-efficacy van leerkrachten. Sociology. Retrieved from