This study explored the effect of shared team experience, handedness, draft position and synergy (operationalised in with-or-without-you (CF%)) on individual performance. In addition, this study explored the effect of average shared team experience, diversity of nationality, diversity of handedness, average draft position and the synergy of the starting line-up on team performance. This study also explored if the effect between the average shared team experience of the starting line-up on team performance, is mediated by the synergy of the starting line-up. Finally, this study explored the effect of the importance of the game on the effect between synergy and both individual and team performance. Results showed that (1) shared team experience and draft position of a player increased both the goals and assists per game in the regular season, (2) synergy of the starting line-up both increased wins in the regular season and goals for team per game in the regular season, less diversity of nationality did increase the goals for team per game regular season and the average draft position of the starting line-up increased the wins in the regular season, (3) no mediating effect was found, and (4) no effect of the importance of the game was found on the effect between synergy and individual nor team performance.

Koppius, O. (Otto), Schippers, M. (MichaƩla)
Business Information Management
Rotterdam School of Management

Kaslander, T. (Tim). (2018, May 29). Synergy between team members. Business Information Management. Retrieved from