In the light of increasing environmental change and the thereby suggested increase in environmental uncertainty, this study focuses on the practice of strategy under uncertainty. It does so by analysing the strategy process of the Port of Rotterdam Authority. By conducting a single case study the process of strategy formation is mapped. Factors of uncertainty are indicated. The focus of the case study lies on the technique of scenario planning and its role within the strategy formation process. The scenario planning process is compared with other known forms and techniques described by literature. Resulting in a analysis of the strategy process, indications where the current literature on scenario planning is possible not comprehensive and a possible relationship between the level of uncertainty and the use of different scenario planning methods.

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Klitsie, E.J., Bree, M.A. de
Strategic Management
Rotterdam School of Management

Bode, J.M. (Jan-Marc). (2018, June 7). Strategy under Uncertainty. Strategic Management. Retrieved from