This study reports the results of a qualitative survey of 11 high-technology firms on the practices of corporate communication, especially the links between strategic communication, storytelling and branding, all of them applied in the turbulent environment of high-technology industry The overarching research question addressed in this paper is “Strategic communication is high-technology industry: How storytelling with a strategic communication approach can be applied in a high-technology environment? ”. High-technology firms operate in competitive environments of constant changes (Brown, 1998; Kelly, 1985). They are characterised by eminently skilled employees but also high turn-over rates (Sprague, 2012). Not to mention that the level of complexity of their products and services is usually high, and challenges their possibilities for commercial success (Kelly, 1985; Mohr, Sengupta & Slater. 2010; Rogers & Larson, 1984;). On the other hand, the last decade strategic communication has become the watchword in every organization (Langer & Thorup, 2006). In line with this every organization is awash in stories (Tyler, 2007). The strategic application of storytelling aims to decrease corporate risks and complexities both inside and outside the organization (Argenti, Howell & Beck, 2005; Langer & Thorup, 2006). Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to explore the applicability of storytelling in high-technology environments, through a strategic communication perspective. By conducting 11 in-dept interviews with communication practitioners from high-technology organizations this paper accentuates the strategic communication imperative within high-technology environments. Storytelling also receives a high status in high-technology organizations for multiple reasons. The most important reasons are linked to familiarization and humanization of technology. The hot button issue of gender diversity in high-technology industry is also addressed. Finally, interviewees agree on the building of a strong brand for employer branding purposes.

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Noemi Mena Montes
Media & Business
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Ilektra Chatzopoulou. (2018, August 20). Strategic Communication in High-Technology Industry - How storytelling with a strategic communication approach can be applied in a high-technology environment?. Media & Business. Retrieved from