I chose to concentrate on publicity because of the manifold uses of publicity in the cultural sector in general. In recent years cultural institutions have been forced to concentrate more on attracting audiences. They have to follow more business-like procedures and put more focus on marketing. As the cultural sector is known for its poor financial condition, the most obvious way to gain the public’s attention is through publicity, for this is a relatively cheap way to make a product or institution known. Because the cultural sector has amassed a lot of experience in this field by now, it seems interesting to examine how publicity works in the cultural sector. Knowing how publicity benefits the cultural sector may make it possible to develop a model in the future, from which other sectors can benefit too.

Noordman, Th.B.J.
Sociologie van Kunst en Cultuur
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Machteld, Thoomes. (2007, August 31). Publicity in Dance Companies in The Netherlands:. Sociologie van Kunst en Cultuur. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/2105/4407