Retired people have time to give and seek fulfilling activities providing fun and structure. Volunteering is popular in the United Kingdom and an increasingly ageing population potentially provides a pool of willing support. In some cases, volunteers give immense amounts of time, freely. My research asks what knits together a theatre and its volunteers? Taking an ethnographic approach with a modified grounded theory I conducted interviews with a cohort of retired people who volunteer in a theatre, in a market town in rural northern England. I offer visual metaphors regarding how they navigated their transitions from the world of paid work into a third phase of life, how they made meaning for themselves during that journey and the role a theatre plays in that process. In studying these visual metaphors, I propose that what knits together a theatre and its volunteers is buzz, fun and commitment, created through a relationship by which mutual needs are met and fulfilled.

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Evert Bisschop Boele
Master Arts, Culture & Society
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Sue Robinson. (2018, June 12). What knits a theatre and its volunteers together?. Master Arts, Culture & Society. Retrieved from