The present Research Paper goes through the stories of 10 Colombian victims of the conflict that were forced to migrate abroad. Some of them returned to the country and narrated their experiences. Using specific theories of migration, return, and related con-cepts, I expose the Colombian case, analysing the conceptualization in contrast with the narrations of the participants. Then, I suggest key points for the attention and reparation of this population, especially now that Colombia is making a historical change to construct the Peace. I appreciate the confidence that all the participants gave to me in this process. I hope I could make visible a hidden reality that deserves recognition and memory so that it never happens again.

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Biekart, Kees
Social Justice Perspectives (SJP)
International Institute of Social Studies

Palomo Quintero, Vannia Lorena. (2018, December 17). Return to Colombia : Experiences of victims of the armed conflict. Social Justice Perspectives (SJP). Retrieved from