The present analysis attempts to evaluate the crisis resolution process conducted by the EU and the UN towards Bosnia and Herzegovina accordingly to different stages. The different stages which occur during the conflict allow the deterrence of different failures of the studied IGO’s. However the aim here is to put forward those characteristics which can be considered as failures. The research distinguishes four conflict resolution phases namely Conflict Prevention, Peacemaking, Peace-enforcement and Peacekeeping. In order to evaluate the conduction of the conflict resolution process as well as to compare the core features and the coordination between the two EU and the UN; it is invited to conduct the comparison on hand of different Third-Party resolution approaches, namely the Interest-based; Power-based; and Right-based approach. As a major result it appears that the EU is less capable to exert sufficient coercive intervention in order to support their most suitable approach namely the Interest-based. As for the UN the latter seems more favorable to introduce power-based sanctions but often lacks the resources which should be provided by its member states. Furthermore the multiplication of different headquarters and the multiplication of divergent missions assigned to the same corps do create complex, hostile and contradictive missions. Finally the analysis terminates by suggesting several directions in order to overcome systematic failures of the EU and the UN within the CR process. The suggestions are also followed by the discussion of the used approaches and the hypothesis it has enabled to generate.

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Colijn, K., Nispen, F. van
Public Administration
Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Youssef, R. (2009, February 19). Multilateral Crisis Resolution Process. Public Administration. Retrieved from