It was with great pleasure that I started early 2017 with this Master Thesis, part of the Master of Science in Business Administration (MSc.) program of the Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), Erasmus University. The program was an exciting journey and has given many new insights, new views to reality and knowledge of which some I could directly apply in my field of work. The research for my thesis is about team agility in the context of radical digital transformation. A topic I find fascinating and a topic I am facing at the very moment. The change my organization currently is in has had its effect on me as well. A new team was brought under my management, my manager was replaced with a new manager that was rather new to the organization and works with other methods. For some of my colleagues the change means a new opportunity while for others that opportunity lies with another organization. Turbulent times that make you feel you are on a journey within a journey, with many parts moving. At least one journey has now come to an end allowing myself to rebalance and focus on the remaining journey. I would like to thank the people that made it possible for me to take this journey. It is a list that I will start with my employer, my former manager and my new manager that supported me with their flexibility, trust, interest and opportunity to perform my research within our company in the middle of a reorganisation and digital transformation. My colleagues I would like to thank for taking time for the interviews, their interest and appreciation in, for some, exciting times. My fellow students with whom I shared many hours in the past two years on projects, reports, preparing for exams and shared a great mindopening experience in South Africa. The staff of the RSM I would like to thanks for their support and organization, the professors of the RSM for sharing their knowledge and in particular my coach Justin Jansen and coreader Eric van Heck for their guidance and critical questions that guided my through this last part of the journey. A special thank you to my family, my wife Thérèse and sons Jasper and Lucas for their support, patience and space for me to take this journey. Without their support my journey would have been troublesome.

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Justin Jansen, Eric van Heck
Strategisch Management & Strategische Vernieuwing
RSM: Parttime Master Bedrijfskunde

Ard-Jan van Amerongen. (2017, October 25). Radical digital transformation - enabler for team agility?. Strategisch Management & Strategische Vernieuwing. Retrieved from