The Netherlands and other European countries make their own heritage policy. The European Union and the Counsel of Europe can not make an overall heritage policy. The heritage policies in Europe are regulated by the European countries. There are a lot of different national heritage policies in Europe, where some countries have an intensive heritage policy and some countries do not have a policy. The Counsel of Europe and the European Union try to do something about this discrepancy. The make heritage conventions and treaties. They try to get harmonization between the European countries. This paper gives a description of the position and relation of the Dutch heritage policy compared with the heritage policy of the Counsel of Europe and the European Union. It investigates different aspects of the relation and position of the parties. The constrains of the Counsel of Europe and the European Union makes their position in making heritage policy in Europe clear.

Bevers, prof.dr. A.M., Halbertsma, M.E.
Sociologie van Kunst en Cultuur , Master Arts, Culture & Society
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Schomaker, Maurice. (2009, March 18). Nederland en het Europese monumentenbeleid. Master Arts, Culture & Society. Retrieved from